Wednesday 2 June 2010


We the students of bishobhasa campus studying French language decided to go cycling to sundarijal. First we are 8 people who decided to go cycling but slowly and gradually the number decreases to 5. Again the number even decreases to 3 on the day of cycling. The trio who went for cycling are bhabishya gurung, khashing rai and sudeep Nepal. We decided to meet at sanchaikoshh bhawan of thamel at 6:30 am but here also the nepali time hit us and we all gathered at 6:50. Then we went to hire mountain bike and started the journey at 7:00am. We pedaled our bike slowly towards budhanilkantha and reached nearly after an hour and had a breakfast in a mithai shop. We shoped few noodles, dairy milk, biscuits and juice because there is no any shop on the way. To enter shivapuri national park it is compulsory to buy tickets, so we had a ticket of Rs 10 each. And then we slowly pedaled our bike towards Nagi gompa but unfortunately my (khashing) cycle’s chain broke and we tried a lot to fix on the way but couldn’t fix it. I had to drag my bike for nearly 15 minutes and we finally reach Nagi gompa. There we met some foreigners who were there with guides and few cook and asked if they have same tools but my bad luck they had nothing. I dragged my bike to gompa and searched for some help from the people living near gompa. I felt that luck is in my favor after seeing the new building is being built and asked a person working there but he hesitated to give us the tool. I think he was scared seeing a young boys asking for a tool. Lastly he managed his guts to ask for what reason we asked for a tool and we told him that our bikes chain was broken. Then he finally brought a tool and we started to fix the chain and lastly after a few struggle me and bhabishya fixed it. After fixing when I tried to pedal my bike and found that we put the chain in disorder. To unloose the chain was more difficult than to fix or join a chain, we took more time to unloose a chain than to fix it. After struggling for few more minutes we finally manage to fix in right order and after fixing bike we had noodles and juice which we bought at budhanilkantha. Then again we started our journey towards sundarijal. After that incident I was more careful than before, the way was very interesting and full of excitement. The downhill was more exciting than we expected. In some places the shadows of the tree on the way adds more enthusiasm to bike again in those places. Before we reached sundarijal dam we rested in the small river and had our dairy milk. Before eating dairy milk we put it in water to make it hard because it was melted due to heat of the sun. After few minutes of rest we moved towards sundarijal, we pedaled our bike for about 15 minutes and reached sundarijal. We refreshed our self in the river and cycled towards thamel to return the mountain bikes. After reaching thamel sudeep told us “I loved biking and will also bike in future if get the chance to bike with frens”. It was getting dark and we all moved towards our houses….

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